
Distribution of Shifa Items

Aqa Maula (T.U.S) blessed us this year with azeem barakat of Qadambosi and Deedar Sharaf to all us who are residing in Dubai and also in other Jamiaat. With taking all that barakat Maula (T.U.S) blessed us with getting barakati shifa Items at our home.  Anjuman E Najmi had arranged to get Shifa Items (Honey & Almond) which was distributed by the Tanzeem Members to all mumineen houses residing in the Mohalla. 

Glass Distribution

With the guidance of Anjuman E Najmi, we tanzeem members distributed Hadiya as Glasses in families who are staying in Mohammedi Mohalla. 

Maskan Ashya Distribution

As per farman from Maula (T.U.S) that all maskan needs to be uplift and they have to uplift all items at their home. So by the help of Anjuman E Najmi we were able to distribute Ashya of kitchen and washroom items.  We went to all Maskan's in our mohalla and Tanzeem members distributed the Ashya and had explained them to use new items which is being provided. And asked them to give all of there waste material and replace them with new.  New Items  Waste or Old Items


With the support of Anjuman E Najmi (Sports Committe ) who had organized an MCL T10 Tournament at New MSB Ground.  There were 3 Teams who represented Mohammedi Mohalla in the tournament. The players who participated in the tournament were Mohammedi Mohalla Mumineen, Tanzeem & FMB KhidmatGuzar. Captain: Janab Amil Saheb Shaikh Mustafa Bhai Bharmal ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖➖➖➖➖➖ Captain:  Ali Asger Bhai Saifee ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖ Captain:   Hussain Bhai Mohsin Bhai Masalawala ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖➖➖➖➖

Ashara Mubarak Niyaz Thaali Distribution

With Ehsanaat of Aqa Moula (T.U.S) mumineen were blessed with the barakat of waaz Mubarak of 3 Du'at Mutlaqeen during Ashara this year,  and also we got an Azeem khidmat of thaali distribution at Mumineen house.  “Aqa Moula (T.U.S) na dua si har ek mumineen ne Ashara na darmiyan jaman jamarvani khidmat naseeb thayi”.  We got a huge group of 99+ Khidmatguzar who performed their khidmat by giving their best.  Different sanstha’s also came forward to perform their khidmat. They were: FMB KG: 40 members  BGI: 5 members MMT: 19 members  Nazafat: 20 members Tanzeem: 15 members                                        On 12th Moharram we had given Hadiya & Thank You Note to all Khidmatguzar for performing their khidmat during Ashara.                                                                                                  

Ashara Breakfast & Sabeel-e-Hussain Ration Distribution

With the raza Mubarak we members of Tanzeem & FMB distributed Breakfast & Sabeel-e-Hussain FMB Ration at mumineen places. So that they can take barakat from it.